How I Aim To Make My Mornings Attractive

3 min readMar 5, 2021

Muslims should be naturally inclined to make their mornings productive!

Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

I’d wake up in shock. Scramble to check the time. And heave a sigh of anger mixed with guilt, for missing my Dawn prayers. Every morning consisted of a rushed morning shower (or skipping it entirely), grabbing clothes that didn’t need ironing, jamming my school essentials frivolously into my school bag and missing out on breakfast.

I struggle to be a morning person — it didn’t come naturally to me. Often, I barely made it to lecture on time. And that rushed, panicky and sweaty morning is the morning, a doctor to be should own.

“Am I really doomed to be a less successful person? Being a night owl had always worked for me.” It took marriage and an earnest conversation with my husband to amplify that this is a vicious cycle.

I wasn’t focusing in lectures. I would take a nap every chance I get. I felt groggy and my sleep at night wasn’t great either. This problem seeped into my weekends. What used to be ‘sleeping in’ until 12pm dragged on to 1–2–3 pm.

Being asleep more than half the day translated into lesser quality time with my husband. “You’re not a single lady anymore” — he added. “You’re right” — I replied. I can’t live as if I stayed alone anymore. Now I have the added responsibility of a wife or…




Basrah is a Year 3 Medical Student in FK UMwho is also an aspiring authorpreneur. Read Basrah’s humble beginnings. Feel free to send Basrah a message here.